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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do the Newborn Sessions take place?
    All Newborn and Newborn Mini sessions take place at my home studio in Wanniassa, ACT.
  • When should I schedule my Newborn Session
    Babies rarely arrive on their due date. With this in mind, when you book your Newborn Session in, I put you in my calendar for your due date. When you little one arrives, email me and we will lock in a date/time for your session.
  • When is it best to photograph a Newborn Baby?
    The best time to photograph your little one is when he/she is between 4-12 days old. During this period Babies are still sleepy and will be more willing to be posed for photos which allows for a variety of shots. If you are planning on booking a Newborn Mini session, you can stretch this time frame out by a week as bub will be wrapped for the photos and (hopefully!) should be settled.
  • How long does a Newborn session take?
    Newborn Session's take between 2-3 hours. Newborn Mini sessions take 1.5 hours.
  • What should I bring along to my Newborn photography session
    Newborn sessions take between 2-3 hours, so best to be prepared. Feel free to bring along snacks/food for yourself. Make sure you pack plenty of nappies and wipes. If bub is bottle fed, pack some extra formula as they tend to feed a more often during the session. If you use a dummy, bring it along! It can be a very handy tool during the photoshoot to keep bub happy. I also recommend that the parents bring a change of clothes in case there are any accidents when hold bub without a nappy on.
  • How many images do I receive with my Newborn session?
    You receive 10 images with Newborn Mini sessions and 18 images in a Newborn session
  • Do Newborn sessions include photos with siblings/parents?
    Yes! Both Newborn and Newborn Mini sessions include sibling and family photos.
  • How long can I expect to wait for my photos?
    I try to get a preview up on social media (facebook/instagram) within approximately 48 hours after the photoshoot. The remainder of the photos are ususally ready to be downloaded from my website within 2-3 weeks of the photoshoot.
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